Very high memory usage?

I am not a big computer/software type, and new to this community support thing so stick with me. I have seen some other posts about high memory usage but didn’t seem to find any real answers. I have been using Brave for a few weeks and love it so far. Actually deleted chrome. the other day I happened to look at my task manager and it showed I was using about 6.8GB of 8GB of my memory!
That got my attention since I basically only browse the web. Looked at the active processes and Brave was using 3000MB! over the last few days I have seen it use anywhere from 3500MB down to the lowest about 1200MB. this is all with only 4 tabs open, facebook, messenger, youtube, and this brave community page. Anyway that cant be normal?! I dont have data on what chrome did, but I know it was never near that much as I have never seen my memory over like 3GBs total, and 3GBs is what Brave is using by itself most of the time! Any insights? It hasn’t really caused me any problems, but just know that something must be up.
Thank you for any help

Could you let us know what OS you are using? Brave version? Any extensions installed?

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Yes, I have Windows 10. After I posted this I uninstalled and reinstalled the browser and now it is using much less. The max I have seen thus far is about 1300MB. So not sure why that changed so drastically. Same tabs open, and the same extensions in use. Hopefully that new trend continues!
thank you for the reply!

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