Help Brave banners html For Blogger

can i have a banners brave so i can use the html in my html blogger banner so friends can see my banners and see the moving picture and the 5 dollar image this is my refferal how to get banners brave this is my link so pleas help me get a banner and pleas tell me is there even a banner for brave like other website posting thoes banners thanks my link is this pleas help me create one so i can copy it from here with my refferal link ( pleas give me abanner for my blog html pleas

Hi @sixteen,

You can customize your BAT tipping banner -

Let me know if there’s anything else that I can help to answer!

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I am not a Brave employee, so I can be honest: Please use commas, periods and line breaks.
It is very hard to understand your problem without a clear description of what you actually want to do.

Do you want to have a banner that links to your referral link on your blog?
Here you might find some resources:
I don’t know of any banners made specifically for referral links.

Just as a reminder: As per the Publisher Terms of Service you have to state somewhere on your blog that you will get paid for referrals, which is not included in the graphics from the link above.

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That it a banners that show brave picture like many website instead of posting your referrel link you add the htm code then you see the brave logo when you click it it direct you directly to the page its like a promote so ill try this

Found it create image tend on other website chose my asset referel thanks

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