Haven't recieved rewards for a couple of months

Title describes my predicament, I haven’t received any rewards since December. I am using two devices connected to one Gemini account. Can someone help me out?

Hi bro, have you contacted steeven or mattches? If not Dm any one of them about the issue. I got the same problem too, But I got my rewards after a month. So, just reach out to them and hope for the best.

Hi Man,

So I am new here and I don’t know who they are, but I’ll look for them over here and contact them.


Hi and welcome to the community. :smiley:

Thought I would provide the information you need to send if you decide to direct message (DM) a moderator.

Send the following information in your DM .

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals )
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version )
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in `Settings → Brave Rewards

Mattches and Steeven are the moderators who handle most of the rewards issues.

How to DM a moderator:

  1. Click on their icon and select the Message button in the top right corner or
  2. You can go to your profile and create a new message in Messages.

@jacktheripper Since you’re so new, try to check out PSA: User FAQ - Support & Answers when you get a chance


Hi @Chocoholic,

I have DMed both the moderators. It’s been 3 days, both haven’t replied. What can I do here? Is there anyone else I can contact?

@jacktheripper There were several issues both with Brave and on the custodial providers side that impacted payouts. The moderators are asking users who have not received payouts in January or February to DM them. There is still a backlog and they are working on them in the order received.

Since you already sent a DM, there is nothing else you can do except wait until they get to you. If you haven’t heard from them or received your payment in a week or so, you can tag them in your DM to let them know you still haven’t received your payment. Just want to say, sending messages to them over and over is not helpful and overburdens the system they are using to get backlogged payments out, so don’t be tempted to do that! lol

You will get your payout it is just taking longer than usual.

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