Have Not received any reward Payouts since Feb 2022!

Briefly describe your issue:
Have Not received any reward Payouts since Feb 2022

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?

Version 1.44.101 Chromium: 106.0.5249.65 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)

What date did you verify your wallet?
A long long time ago.

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Yes, Japan

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

I guess you should raise a ticket at Brave Support

This only has options for verified wallet UPHOLD, Gemini
I am in Japan,My wallet is verified and connected to Bitflyer.
I cannot find a JP support ticket system
do you have a link?

Umm click on with Uphold… When they contact you tell them it’s bit Flyer. @SaltyBanana @Saoiray @Chocoholic any suggestions?

Hi @Akagera thanks for taking the time to share the above.

Could you kindly send me a DM of your wallet payment ID which can be found by going to brave://rewards-internals

CC: @atsushisa


I use brave on a few different devices and OS’s, does it matter which Payment ID I send?



@Akagera The wallet payment ID is different for each device (and profile) you have. If you are experiencing the problem on all your devices (and profiles), then send them all. I would probably include the OS information for each, but since it wasn’t asked for, it is probably not needed.

Unfortunately, it is now after normal business hours in the US and a weekend. Brave support staff usually do not work on weekends. You should send the DM but be aware that you will probably not get a response until next week.

Hope this helps. Take care.

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