Google in Brave going light mode instead of dark for each new tab

Hello there! Whenever I open a new tab after opening the browser, it has the light mode in Google. When refreshing, it goes back to dark. Happens also on mobile. Any tips?

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There are two settings which broke dark mode for me in Google. 1. “Block fingerprinting” and 2. “Prevent websites from collecting fingerprints by your language settings”. Only after I disabled both, the dark mode stayed dark.

This is not a bug, but a feature, partially. There used to be a “aggressive fingerprint” setting which completely hid that you have dark mode enabled if that was the case. The reasoning is that dark mode is yet another identifying feature amongst all the other ones. That setting isn’t there anymore, but maybe the fingerprinting is still taylored towards preventing dark mode fingerprinting, “breaking” things.

But for some weird reason the “Block fingerprinting with language setting” also breaks Google. I noticed that whenever I have that setting enabled, sometimes a “Do you want to search in your local language” pop up appears on Google on the right side. And whenever that pop up appears, Google is white.

What is strange though is that Google has an own toggle for Dark mode, either “Enabled” or “Disabled”. But it’s more like “Enabled means follow device theme” which further complicates things. What also doesn’t help is that Google changes the dark mode button/behaviour every other month. It’s funny how many times that toggle has switched position and behaviour. I love Google for it’s consistency /s

So if you turn of fingerprinting and prevent languages fingerprinting in your settings, it should stay dark. But be aware that fingerprinting making websites appear funnily sometimes is not a bug, it’s a feature. The language fingerprinting setting however is a Google specific bug and Google’s problem. But if you turn of both settings the problem should be solved

I don’t really find those settings anywhere to be honest, where should I find them?

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