Getting BAT rewards in gemini

@Slagathor I want to clarify a few things.

  1. Uphold is not “new.” In fact it is the oldest partner and has been with Brave since about the beginning. Gemini was the newer partner.

  2. Gemini has been unavailable for over a year. They pulled back after they got into a lot of trouble with governments over Gemini EARN and a few other problems, especially surrounding FTX. Since then nobody has been allowed to link to them.

  3. If your existing profile was connected to Gemini, you should continue earning. However the moment you reset Rewards or try to connect on a new device, you’ll be unable to use Gemini for Brave Rewards.

  4. Generally it is helpful if you can provide more information than vague terms like “it just stopped working for me.” In you saying that nobody knows if you mean it’s still connected but you haven’t receive payments, if you’re trying to connect with a new account, or any number of issues. If you are trying to say it’s still linked and you just haven’t been getting payments, then you should create a Rewards Support Ticket at

  5. Why do you say you can’t access Uphold from your location? When looking at they don’t list Hawaii as one of the areas unable to connect. They list New York and US Virgin Islands, but not Hawaii.

  6. Lastly, want to make sure you know that there is always a possibility for on-chain Rewards as well. You can read more about that at PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators

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