Gemini unsupported in Australia

Description of the issue: Gemini can no longer link as it is not a supported region
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Re-format Computer
  2. Re-download Brave
  3. Sign in/Sign up
  4. Attempt to connect to a Crypto Wallet. Uphold is available to select but Gemini (whom I selected previously) says it is not supported in my region.

Expected result: I can’t say “expected” but I would like to have the option to link to Gemini again.

Brave Version( check About Brave): v1.51.118

Additional Information: I had to recently re-format my Macbook. I re-downloaded Brave Browser. When I tried to link my Gemini account which I had working on the browser prior to re-formatting, I was unable to do so as it is not a supported region anymore.
Prior to re-formatting I was able to transfer BAT to Gemini but no longer have the option. Will Brave bring back the option to link to Gemini?

I’m certain that this has been addressed previously but I cannot find the latest update.

If I be honest, according to their replies on community calls, Gemini being able to add regions is not gonna be happening any time soon.
If you want to earn BAT, you can create an Uphold account and link.

As to why you were able to link to Gemini even though unsupported region, the answer is that Gemini is allowed to connect to rewards profiles which were connected to Gemini before region unsupported issue started. So if you format your device, a new rewards profile is created hence will get unsupported region error.

I’ve essentially given up on this. Long ago I had a conversation with someone and was told that Gemini is not likely returning. And, if it did, would more likely just be major places like Canada and England. (Been a while though, so never can tell what they are up to)

I do know they are looking for more partners, but just hasn’t been happening. I’m not sure if it’s Brave that’s ending negotiations, if exchanges just don’t aren’t interested, or what? But there’s been 2-3 times now that it’s been said Brave has been in final discussions, yet months later no news given. My assumption, even if wrong, is that those deals all fell through.

I would like to remind you that you can connect your Rewards to Uphold if you’d like, as Australia is supported. But in terms of Gemini or other exchanges, I’m not expecting anything to happen any time soon.

I assumed this might have been the case. Thank you everyone. If you know of any resources to transfer accumulated crypto from Gemini to Uphold I’d be grateful.
Thanks again.

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