Frozen for 2-3 seconds at startup

Have been using Brave for last 3 months… pretty ok on all things but since a few days I’ve noticed whenever I freshly open a new Window (when no other Brave windows are open) it would “freeze” for 2-3 seconds and then allow me type in the address bar.
I’m on latest V1.7.98
Cleared cache, Disabled all extensions, background wallpaper, clock etc… still can’t seem to figure out what wrong. Any clues ?

I have the same problem, even though in the past Brave worked fine. Why Brave developers choose to ruin the Brave experience is beyond me.

Exact same problem. With everything on dashboard turned off. Mine took up to 10 secs to load the tab. Averages 6-8 secs. For ONE TAB. It should be instant.

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