From Binance to Brave Wallet : the BNB send do not show

Description of the issue:

I’m using Brave Wallet on my mobile and desktop. It is the first time i’m sending to Brave Wallet.

If necessary i Can send the transaction informations on private (on email).

How can this issue be reproduced?

1 / I’ve just send some BNB (from Binance) to my Brave wallet account using the private key shown in Brave > copy from Brave paste in Binance adress field.

2/ The Network use is BNB Smart Chain (BEP20).

3 / The status of the transaction is terminated in Binance.

4 / My Brave wallet account shows 0 BNB (The BNB is displayed in my account).

Brave Version (check About Brave):

(Mobile android) : Brave 1.35.103, Chronium 98.0.4758.102
( PC Windows) : [
Version 1.36.112 Chromium: 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

Binance support is asking me to check with the receiver hence the transaction is terminated on their side.

Any support to Help ?

Below post might help. The poster there sent ETH but connecting the Binance Smart Chain to your Brave Wallet should be the same.

Also, did you add BNB to your Visible Assets first? I think you have to do both but you can check adding BNB as a Visible Asset first and see if it works.

Go to you Portfolio in Brave Wallet. Click the + Visible Asset button. Type in BNB in the Search bar and click the checkbox to the far right.

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