Saoriay, I appreciate you sticking with me on this. It has been very difficult to get definitive answers from the hammock forum members.
For example, they will say they see the “°” symbol but don’t add if they see the  (or other) letters in front of it or not. Or someone will say they don’t see it on their Mac, but don’t mention the Browser or OS (or cpu - Intel or Mac Silicon) they are using. And when they say they “don’t see” the problem. It’s not clear if they mean it doesn’t happen to them or that they don’t see the extra characters in front of the symbols. I can only push so much.
When I started on this journey I was hoping for a quick, “We use [this] encoding (on the web page).” and I would continue my investigation from there. But I’ve heard nothing back from the website - other than, “No one else is having the problem. It must be your web browser.” or “My Web guy hasn’t gotten back to me yet.”
This was not supposed to be a lifetime project
It was a minor issue an I thought it would be a quick fix. I’d find out what was using for encoding and make sure it matched what the browser was doing. As you understand, better than me, it hasn’t been that simple.
I not this was working at one time. it’s been so long now, maybe when I was using Opera I’m trying to recall why I switched from Opera to Brave. So it could be that I changed a display font.
But we can’t ignore the fact that everything works, as is, on other websites - like this one.
The situations where I post my reply, and it shows up correctly, until I edit it, is puzzling to me too because it doesn’t happen that way everytime.
I’ve been picking on the degree symbol because that’s what I was using when I first saw the problem. Note that the characters are also - sometimes - messed up when displaying what other people post. For example (someone else’s post):
l just made an order on the 1.2 Hexon Chameleon…. l have a couple older Chameleons a Multicam and nylon D…. but now keen to go hang out on a limb… with little more of stretch…. Personally liking feels of HyperD…. the NylonD is nice too. Now set to go with 1.2 Hexon…