I am using a Mac Pro (late 2013) with 64Gb of RAM, MacOS 10.14.6, and the AMD FirePro D700 6Gb graphics card. The Monitor is an NEC PA322UHD 4k.
When I use Brave Version 0.68.131 Chromium: 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit), I get flickering of the screen whenever I scroll up and down in the browser. This occurs regardless of the web site where I am browsing.
This does not happen with Firefox or Safari, nor indeed any other application, and therefore must be within the Brave browser.
I have a second Mac Pro (late 2013) but with the AMD FirePro D300 2Gb graphics care, running the precise same versions of MacOS and Brave. The flickering does not occur, and the browser appears to work fine.
I contacted Apple service on the chance this was a hardware problem related to the Mac Pro (late 2013), and they isolated the problem to this sole piece of software. I took the machine into the Apple Store and they ran the deep diagnostics and reported all was normal. I believe them since the problem doesn’t exist on the other browsers. But I cannot understand how the problem only occurs on the Mac Pro with the more capable graphics card and greater graphics RAM.
I really prefer Brave as my browser, but am stuck back with Safari on this machine.
Any ideas?