Maybe it isn’t suppose to and it is already a dead end but I thought I would give it a shot.
I read this one
So I found where to disable Hardware Accelleration
brave://settings/system and turned it off.
unfortunatly I still get the icon that says “This plugin is not supported.”
when I click on the lock icon is shows flash enabled.
I installed the flash plugin from adobe for Fedora.
I am using Fedora 32
Brave version 1.15.76
trying on page
Have you clicked the “puzzle piece” icon in the address bar when Flash is requesting to run?
Note the instructions I left for another users on here:
Which one? if I click on the one on page it does nothing. If i right click I get a menu with the following options “hide this plugin, and inspect” I see what looks like a puzzle piece near the hamburger icon I see an option there to manage extensions? If I go to extensions I only see a Fedora user agent extension.
go to brave://settings/content/flash
then make sure flash is enabled there
then reload your page then click on the lock icon on the left of your address bar then check for flash if it enabled there or not then relead your page some time it require to close and reopen brave again
Still no change. I set it to ask for the default. When I restarted I had a bar at the top warning about flash being disabled at the end of year. But when I went to the page I posted above I get the same thing. I went to the lock icon and changed it from ask to allow and then reloaded but still same appearance as the picture I posted. I suspect that adobe installed the plugin where brave does not know where to look for it?
Can you try clearing cache/site data for the site you’re trying to enable Flash on entirely, then reloading it and trying to allow flash step by step from a fresh start?
I went to brave://settings/privacy
clear browser data
and cleared it for the last 24 hours.
Pain logging back into everything this is the first day for trying Brave.
Testing page now. And I get the same behavior. hmm.
Maybe its a Fedora thing? I think I’ll need to use an older version of firefox anyways since I need to use it for some work testing pages. Although it has been so long I’ll have to fight with firefox as well. I will rightup bullet proof options for users.
acorrding to the page you sent this method is not for chomioum based browser
This is guide, howto install Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 32 (32-bit and 64-bit) with YUM/DNF on Fedora 32/31/30/29, CentOS 8.0/7.7/6.10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 8.0/7.7/6.10 . Currently only Firefox is supported and you need firefox-x11 launcher or fallback to x11. Wayland and Google Chrome/Chromium is not supported anymore.
as chrome as built in flash plugin and that what i am looking for