Everything I say is offensive to Leo

Much like the title says, Brave Leo now refuses to answer anything I say, copy and pasting the same thing over and over, making this conversation useless.

I feel like it does this on purpose, to get the rate limit up… so we can pay to talk to it. Probably. I just want the copying and pasting to stop.

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@fredleyluv I’m kind of curious what you said prior to all of that. Like I just went to test and here’s what I got:

Often it will piggy back off of earlier conversation. So like if you had been talking about religion or insulting based on holiday, it would start disengaging. Then when you could end up with replies such as you got as it would assume you’re bringing it up as part of that negative conversation.


Agreed with @Saoiray — when entering the same prompts on my end, Leo replies similarly to what @Saoiray is showing above. It likely has to do with whatever you where discussing/asking it earlier. Further, if you clear the conversation (little “eraser” button on the top), I suspect Leo will respond normally again.

Regardless, this:

Is not true at all.


There is no “on purpose”. It’s a 'bot.

Here’s its response to a question containing the word “woke”.


What is the name and author of the poem containing the line “I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls,
And woke to find it true”?


The poem containing the line
“I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls, And woke to find it true” is “The Dream” by William Wordsworth

Right: https://www.telelib.com/authors/O/OrwellGeorge/verse/misc/littlepoem.html


Wowh, I didn’t expect for anyone to see and reply to this. I was mainly worrying about the excessive copy and pasting it uses, now I realize my topic didn’t appear as if. Sorry 'bout that. But yeah, much like what @Saoiray said, I’d said something the AI thought was “insulting” when I’d only said “ninja” with no ill intent at all. I think the free version of this AI is just overly censored. Afterwards, it started going ballistic, taking anything I say and calling it offensive. I erased the conversation, but I just thought it was weird so I created a topic about it. I don’t think that was really necessary of me, though. That conversation was weirdly taken out of context, but here’s something else that’s horribly taken out of context.
… Not related or helpful in any way, I just thought it was pretty funny for the AI to say that.

Lmao, you’re really making me wonder what types of things you’re speaking to Leo about. It’s also making me think it’s a good thing it’s private. :rofl:

That is exactly why the feedback category here exists. It’s good to share things you’re experiencing so improvements can be made. We just ask questions and point things out as we did to make sure that we can fully understand what’s going on, but also so we might be able to help provide more details to you if there seems to be a misunderstanding. In any case, hopefully you’ll be comfortable enough to continue providing feedback on your experiences.

Also, just so you know, you can submit feedback for each specific response if you’d like as well. Like in the screenshot below, once I mouseover, you see the three dots on the right of Leo’s answer? Click that and then you’ll see options to Like Answer and Dislike Answer. If you click on Dislike Answer, it will give a prompt to provide feedback:

Which then triggers the below to appear:


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Btw, just for fun, I had Leo respond to some of your concerns:

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@Saoiray if you (or anyone else!) has any knowledge about how the like and dislike system in Leo works, could you perhaps reply here How does like and dislike work?? I am asking about the privacy implications over there.

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no point in using this bloat, i have it disabled from brave://flags. Just use GPT.


OpenAI promises to use (and look at) your chats for to improve their product. Not everyone is comfortable with that.

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