Estimated earnings not increasing after a Brave ad

Sometimes after viewing a Brave ad my estimated BAT and USD do not increase, but sometimes increases, too.



I am seeing the same thing. Since the update to
Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 10
US market

I had 9 ads and only got .1 BAT something seems wrong. Usually I would get about .5 BAT for 9-10 ads.
I checked my ad history and they are all there and it shows I clicked on them


Yeah, in the time that has past since I posted, I have received maybe 5 ads, but none have increased my estimated earnings.
edit: wow! just read your post ever again and wow. I usually receive .1 bat compared to your .5

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Same thing is happening to me, can anyone from the brave staff solve this issue?


Same issue happening to everybody just few days ahead to payout.

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Is this normal? I’ve only been a user for 2 days.

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Not normal, you can’t view over 10 ads for 0.05BAT or 0.1BAT or 0BAT

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Same here, normally was 1Ad = 0.05 BAT, now is like 1AD 0.025.

If someone from Brave could verify this.

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I’m having the exact same thing and I didn’t even do updates or anything. I view the add but don’t get rewarded but it shows that my viewed adds went up. Please do advice Brave???

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There’s always problems few days to pay out :roll_eyes:

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yeah, i agree with these calculations - post today’s upgrade to v1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (32-bit), each add viewed, seems to now accumulate 0.025 BAT as opposed to 0.05 per ad (i’ve captured screenshots - if this helps).

@steeven can you pls advise if there has been a change in the metrics?

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same thing happened to me when I got an estimated earning of 20 bat


Same issue happening to me.

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same problem till today.
now i updated the browser (same build as before ?)
Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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I found that I wasn’t receiving any BAT yesterday so updated to V1.9.76, I did get 0.2BAT this morning but since then nothing. I have no idea if Im still earning for the ads Im viewing so cant even guess if my rate is 0.025 for each ad.

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The boring part is when the support guys pretend like they don’t know what is happening. I’m actually starting to think otherwise of this project…


I even tagged them yesterday but no response still


Good projects are killed by greedy and ignorant leaders. We make this project to move forward, they must not take advantage of that. There are many projects out there. This is not on. I’m annoyed beyond measure, there’s shady things happening every weekend or towards payouts. #bs


Mostly towards payouts…I guess it’s a known issue that’s why the admins aren’t responding


Then if this project fails, they’re the ones to blame. Because even after payouts the issue will still remain while we wait for the next issue. It’s just issue pilling up.