I have been using brave for around 2 weeks now and have accumulated (estimated earnings) 3.977 BAT for 454 ads. Everything was fine until today when i noticed that the ad count wasn’t increasing and the estimated earnings as well as the usd amount was not increasing. I am really looking forward to continue using brave so can I kindly find out why this is the case?
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Same problem here today
Same problem here since yesterday
Same problem of no earning but before calling it a day, I lost 0.1 when I last check it.
Quick update @vikramsomai @Tanishq, It has been around 8 hours now and the problem seems to have been resolved. I think it might be some internal bug which might gets solved once noticed.
@JinzoX101 that’s strange coz i randomly gained 0.05 bat when i got back on brave this morning.
I’m having the same issue.
it’s been 3 days i don’t receive the ad, for some reason? who can help me!!!
I’m having the same issue.
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