Está verificada mi billetera? Is my Android wallet verified?

Briefly describe your issue:
in my browser it shows “Verify wallet”.
But says “Wallet” in the settings tab.
I’ve done that several times.
I successfully log on to Uphold, then it just brings me back to the “verify wallet” screen.

I saw that you helped another person with the same problem that I have
help me, I ask you please.

En mi navegador muestra ""verificar billetera’’.
Pero dice "tu billetera’’ en la pestaña de configuración.
Lo he hecho muchas veces.
Inicio sesión en Uphold, pero luego me devuelve a la pantalla “verificar billetera”

Vi que ayudaron a otra persona con el mismo problema que tengo, ayúdenme se lo pido por favor.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using?
Brave: 1.32.115 Chromium: 96.0.4664.93 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
Revisión: 17531e0a70b4f8108f2418e8b5117f465077710b-refs/branch-heads/4664@{#1229}
SO: Android 11; Build/RKQ1.201004.002

Is your browser wallet currently verified?

What date did you verify your wallet?
Abril, 2021

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Are you using a VPN?

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Sí, Colombia (25)

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

My Spanish is rusty… sigue estos pasos:

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You are the best, indeed that was the problem I had.

Gracias!!!, te lo agradezco muchisimo

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