ESP-No recibi las recompensas mensuales i desaperecieron. eng-I don't receive the monthly rewards and they disappeared

ESP-antes del cobro tenia 3.1 bats hoy entre i ponia 0.8 bats no e recibido ningun cobro en mi cuenta i an desaparecido. ENG-Before the collection I had 3.1 bats, today I put 0.8 bats and I have not received any charges in my account and they have disappeared

We should use English language here to be able to help each other since most of us doesn’t speak the same language. I think it would be helpful , since there is no translation here.

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solved the problem you told me about, greetings

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Hi @zomb13 - Thanks for reporting. Please see this post for an explanation - May 5th Ads Reward Claim Errors.

thank you very much for everything i saw the link i will be aware of the news again thanks for your attention

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