I clarify this error only happens in Brave, in another browser it doesn’t happen, When YouTube is in desktop mode and you open a video in full screen, it lasts about 5 seconds with a black screen, This always does and only happens on YouTube, I have 4 devices and everything is the same.
Hello @GhostLm
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sorry to hear you’re having an error when opening a full screen video on YouTube. Our best recommendation is to use this link you can enable or disable shields to check if that fix the issue.
Please let us know if that works and have a nice day!
I have tried it without the shield and with the shield the result is the same, why not take a second of your valuable time, and try it yourself, it is as easy as going to Youtube to activate the desktop mode and open a video in full screen, and see if what I’m saying is true, that the black screen lasts about 5 seconds before giving the image again.
I clarify again I have 5 cell phones and two tablets, it is the same in all these devices. Opera, Kiwi and Chrome all that browser opens instantly if the problem already mentioned.
Yes. I have the same issue. Not only on YouTube but on many other video streaming platforms like zoro.to.
Well, compare brave://gpu with the other Chrome/opera/edge://gpu pages and see if there is something they have that Brave doesn’t and then enable/disable it through flags or something.
It works perfectly fine for me in Nightly and my crappy old phone that I only turned off to test it.
They just blocked the brave://gpu access I would like it to be that fast to fix the errors, in the same way that only allows you to see the parameters, you cannot change options for that section.
if you try to enter an automatic update will be downloaded to block access
well, that sucks, seems like Stable has many pages blocked that could be useful.
Like this is what I see in Nightly:
And it works fine even if my phone is old, broken and to be honest, I barely use it because I don’t care about phones, but it works fine here, in less than a second videos go fullscreen in Zoro and a 1080p video in Youtube I got a tiny blackscreen like 0.15 seconds once, but then it was mostly okay, not even black screens.
I even tested with auto-rotation on or off, of course with on, it seemed to do better job when it didn’t have to rotate the screen, but if my old phone can handle it, I am sure new should be okay, in my mind.
I have seen some features being enabled and then they are disabled after a while by Brave though, so that’s why I wanted you to see GPU and maybe even compare them to other browsers, to see if something is making the difference in Brave stable.
Thank you very much, thanks to you I realized what the problem is, it consists of Surface Control this option must be deactivated
#android-surface-control Disabled
For now they only blocked that section in the main brave, in the nightly you can still access it.
Since we did the work for it, I hope they fix it in the next update for standard users.
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