Hi, just downloaded the browser hit having trouble setting it up to ear BAT tokens.
Can anyone shed some light on this topic
Hi, just downloaded the browser hit having trouble setting it up to ear BAT tokens.
Can anyone shed some light on this topic
Are you a creator, or are you interested in earning by opting into viewing Brave Ads while browsing?
Hi dear just you watching Video for brave you’re easily understand how to set up thank you
Hey Mattches, just interested in earning by opting into viewing Brave Ads while browsing. How do you set that up?
Forgot to mention, no ads to earn BAT are popping up
@Veeramani thanks for that but i am still not getting the ads.
Hello dear what device you are using using Apple Mac and iPhone please check your settings and using other drivers check you are and antivirus Thank you
@Veeramani I am using a PC desktop. My settings are fine
Just to make sure: With settings you mean you enabled “Brave Rewards” and “Ads” here chrome://rewards/? And the “Ad notifications received this month” counter shows 0?
Do you maybe have anything enabled that could block notifications? (Like the “Focus assist” setting on Windows 10)
Yes for Brave rewards and Ads.
The counter shows zero.
Pop up blocker is on according to my internet settings.
The focus assist is off
If all your settings are correct and nothing is blocking the notifications on your side, all I can think of is that you’re in an unsopported country. Although I thought there would be a message displayed in that case.
Are you in the US, Canada, UK, Germany or France? Only those countries are supported at the moment, many more will follow this year.
I am in none of these countries, I’m in Aus. Is there scope for Aus?
Then you cannot see any ads for now sadly. I don’t know when they will be able to support Australia, but they are working on it.
Brave Ads support for Australia, New Zeland and Ireland just hit the Nightly version. In some time you will be able to see ads, too!
I’m in Thailand are they supported or when will they be supported ?
No, Thailand is still not supported unfortunately. No idea when it will be, but apparently a lot more countries will be supported this year.
For these kind of questions, also look here: Brave Ads FAQ
hi, what about anada?
Hi what I most doing for give token
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