Dont receiving rewards since january 10

Hello. I’m not receiving Brave rewards payment since january 10. I was hoping that this issue would be solved in some days but its already march 18 and i didn’t receive anything. WHAT IS GOING WRONG?

Have you received your rewards? Please update.

If you still haven’t received your rewards, please provide more information.

  1. Brave version and OS (information at first three labels of brave://version)
  2. Wallet verified or unverified?

I still not received anything.

Brave: 1.36.122 Chromium: 99.0.4844.88 (Versão oficial) 64 bits
Revisão: 55132f110218a75dc6a4c2c20269efd6e3059177-refs/branch-heads/4844_73@{#2}
SO: Windows 10 Version 21H2 (Build 19044.1586)

My wallet was already verified several months ago.

@SetropLeo The next step is to check the following:

  1. Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)
  2. Are you in a Brave Supported Region?
    Note: Only creator accounts are supported in the Philippines.
  3. Are you in an Uphold Non-Supported Jurisdiction?
  4. Are you still receiving ads and earnings?
  5. Do you have any messages displayed at brave://rewards? What is the message?
  6. Please provide a screenshot or your Rewards panel.
  1. I’m not using VPN.
  2. Yes, i’m from brazil.
  3. I’m not in an Uphold Non-Supported Jurisdiction.
  4. Yes, i’m still receiving ads and earnings. This month i’ve 0,27 and in the last months i “had earn” about 0,8 per month. Its " " because this bat’s never became to my account.
  5. Just the usual, nothing different.
  6. Idk why is showing that i didn’t received any advertising, i’m receiving them everyday.

Me either! Are there any ads in your 30-day history? Maybe you just aren’t earning.

You should send a DM to the moderators with your wallet payment id found at brave://rewards-internals. Do not post your wallet id!

Mattches and Steeven are the moderators who handle most of the rewards issues.

How to DM a moderator:

  1. Click on their icon on the About page and select the Message button in the top right corner or
  2. You can go to your profile and create a new message in Messages.

Hello! Sorry for the delay in responding, it’s been a busy week.

My history doesn’t show any ads and i noticed that this week I didn’t receive any ads.
Everyday I notice stranger things happening (or just not happening)

I called Steeven to and ask for help on this situation. Thanks for all the attention!! :slight_smile:

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