Dissappearing history

My browser history has periodically disappeared on its own in the past, but it dissappeared today and now it suddenly won’t save anything at all. This is an issue because i can’t find the pages i visited earlier today (even just minutes ago) and my convenient most visited pages bar is also gone. I don’t think i’ve done anything today that could have triggered it.

How do i stop this and make things go back to normal?

I remember seeing, at some point months ago, a place in the settings that had something about retaining browser history, but i can’t find it now. Or maybe that was actually Google’s settings or Chrome’s browser settings.

Can you launch Brave and go to Settings --> Shields & Privacy and confirm that:

  • You do not have Forget me when I close this site toggled “on” by default here
  • You do not have Clear data on exit toggled “on” by default here