Payments only begin around the 7th of each month. It can take weeks for it to finish and everyone to receive. You need to keep an eye out on that banner topic, Ads Payout Status Update to see when/if payments have finished.
Because ZebPay is new integration and still being built out. Even Uphold and Gemini used to have to wait several weeks. It’s just that they have now had integration going for several years. ZebPay has only been out for months. Is there a reason why you and so many others are incredibly impatient?
Its not about impatient its about trust bcoz recently i joined brave 4 my surety and conviction im curious about reward really it is genuine or not except nothing else… Thanks 4 concern🙃
It means Uphold is missing either some sort of document from you or a final selfie picture. You can read more on it on my FAQ at Limited Uphold account functionality