Unable to Send SOLANA out of wallet

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Description of the issue: Unable to Send SOLANA out of brave wallet…

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? Solana

What operating system are you using? MacOs and Brave Browser

Brave Version (check About Brave): BraveVersion 1.64.122

Additional Information: Chromium 123.0.6312.122
Able to receive Solana in Brave wallet and use on connected sites for trading. But unable to send any sol out of brave wallet.
Please help.

@Aabhinav22 first thing I want to point out is that the first reply you had from Fr3sh is a scam account, so ignore the link. I’ve flagged their comment but I know sometimes replies get sent to email and all.

In regards to Solana, it’s still a work in progress. The actual network for Solana itself has been having issues. They are rolling out updates but it’s taking trial and error to fix. You can see examples of this in link below:

At least the point above might be something. Though I do want to ask, what errors do you have or what issue experienced that you say it’s not able to send out?

why brave chose sol for their on chain payouts is unfathomable. sure it’s cheap, but it’s broken crap that can’t even manage one year of uptime.

Brave’s Solana endpoint is being completely unreliable.

Go into your Wallet Networks and change the Solana RPC URL to the official Solana one listed on their site: https://solana.com/docs/core/clusters#mainnet-beta-endpoint

Changing the URL from https://mainnet-beta-solana.brave.com/rpc to https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com allowed me to send my SOL out.

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