Device Limit Will Be Removed?

Hi! I had a device unlink request back then and I’ve just noticed that I have a reply from [email protected] that says " Thanks for submitting your unlinking request. Please note that we are removing the linking limit completely in April."

Is this a real thing? Will the limit be removed and we’ll be able to link as many devices as possible? If it is the situation, when?


yes, that’s already talked several times here and in reddit… You can look up several similar threads to confirm

Actually I tried to find on google but I couldn’t find anything. Do we have a certain date?

I saw this,

This would be welcome news!

i think its already been implemented since i can link my 2 browsers now

thos would be great. because in moment you can only link 4 device. but you can t manage this device. i have 2 linked and i can t link to my smartphone. it s a bug or somthing. and i can t make a new uphold account because of the verification.

How many total you linked?

i have linked 3 devices

3 is still inside the old limit.

The issue is not fixed yet, I’ve just tried, and it is still open in GitHub

I received a mail from support a while back stating that it would be removed in April, hoewver I have just received another reply from support about my issue with the reached device limit that started with this.

Thanks for submitting your unlinking request. Please note that we are removing the linking limit completely in coming months.

It seems it possibly may take them a bit longer?

I am trying to get this whole device limit resolved for months now. Somehow support is not able to remove the device ids for me and keep saying that I perhaps provided them with the wrong custodian id… I already told them I double checked and it was the correct one, now even send them a screenshot

This whole device limit was just a thing they not thought through as eventually everyone will reach the limit (replacement of devices, a new os install etc).

I myself have a thread that spans several months with 2 community managers and I am still not able to verify any new devices… I hope it is not going to take months.


No, they don’t I send an unlink request but they said the same thing. But I try every week still not working. still link Exceed error.

It would be great to get an update on this as I think my slots are used up and I am longing to get everything hooked up to my Uphold account. Is there anywhere you can check how many slots you’re using?

Found a really decent update (see post by Miyayes) over on GitHub: I’m happy to wait and think its important we’re patient while they thoroughly test before rolling it out. Less glitches the better the user experience.

My device limits have been removed, please note that I do not know if this is because of the limititation removing all together or because of my request via their form.

On Android I was keep getting issues trying to reverify resulting in ‘unknown’ errors and the culprit of it was having the uphold app installed.

Upon trying to verify and logging in to uphold, instead of opening the link in brace it would open the uphold app resulting into the ‘an unknown error occurred’

My device limit was 4/4 before and only one of those was in use. I have been able to get 3 devices activated, so that would not be in the 4 device limit reach, this is why I am not sure if it has been completely removed yet.

This is a bit offtopic but one “odd” thing I noticed is that the "estimated earnings are really off between my android 9 and 10 device.


This was the summary of april 27

Android 9: 190 ads, estimated is 1.776 BAT
Android 10: 228 ads, estimated is 3.509 BAT

This is almost a 100 percent difference in estimated Bat per ad, It would be nice on fetting clarification how this estimate is determined. Both devices are using the same ad promotional id


All kind of limitations are removed. Limit is removed thanks to everyone.

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