Hello there. I moved from Firefox to Brave browser few months back. I used uBlock Origin on FF, and having something like that integrated is awesome.
However, there is a simple feature that is not present and I use a lot:
uBlock Origin allowed to snip an element more casually than creating a filter, like in, you reload the page and everything is there again, not filtered forever.
This is of great use trying to experiment with site elements before creating definitive filters, or to casually removing something that you have no real interest on filtering out forever.
So essentially a new “Snip Element” on this menu would be awesome, and even more so if could also be added to the toolbar.
At present if you did know, then you can view your blocked elements in brave://settings/shields/filters. Delete them if you have added them previously.
There is no ‘zapper’ mode feature currently. So, you can use UBO along with brave shields. Many users do it as brave sheilds lacks in certain departments (like zapper mode). If you are using filter lists, just make sure not to add same filter list on both UBO and brave shields settings.
Thank you very much for the comment, the info is appreaciated. I was not considering using uBlock Origin, but after your answer, Im reviewing that.
Maybe I can install but keep uBO shield off at all times, and only use the zapper. Let Brave do its stuff until we get that feature. Evidently (and regreattably), that would mean some wasted resources as would be an extension for doing something already covered by Brave itself. But in the balance, it still may be worth it.