CSS is broken (inverted colors)

Description of the issue: Every site has broken CSS. Look at screenshots.
How can this issue be reproduced?

I don’t know how to reproduce this bug. I just launched brave and every website got broken CSS.

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave): v1.52.126

Additional Information: I tried to switch themes, but it doesn’t help. Incognito mode looks as usual (normal). It also looks like some colors are inverted.

Normal Github:

My Github:

@steeven please help

Than you for reaching out.
Can you please tell me whether or not all pages appear inverted in this way or is this just Github?

@Mattches, every page and this one too

So you’re saying this issue only persists in normal window on your original profile? If so, that makes it sound like it’s an issue with an extension.

How to launch incognito mode with extensions?

It was extension. (Literally bruh moment)


@Valskeris out of curiosity, did you figure out which one it is? I ask because if other people have the same issue, it might help to know.

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Thanks for confirming — glad to hear the issue was an easy fix.

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