Creaters Payout Not received

Creators Payout Not received

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Creators payouts haven’t started for this month. Wait a few days. Please pay attention to staff announcements, pinned CLEARLY at the top of each topic category:

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Creators Payout Not received till now

Any updates on Creator payout? It still says Payout in Progress.

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Same here. … Some kind of information other then Payout In Progress would be nice. Like an ETA for Payout Complete or something.

@steeven even i haven’t received my creator payout yet

It’s only 3-4 working days since Creators payout started on the 13th, so a little more time is needed.

For the first time my status changed to Payout in Progress (never seen that before). So I hope I got paid soon for 1st time after months.


You can still expect payout if you have linked your creator’s account to Gemini wallet. See this-

Still haven’t received mine yet.
Just checked the creator payout post. It looks like payment is still in progress. The Brave team is usually pretty legit on those payment and some time they did come in late. Could be due to the eth gas fee this month.


me too.
My wallet service is “bitFlyer”, but I haven’t been paid yet.


My Creaters website went from ‘Payout In Progress’ to ‘Note that the payout date has moved from the 8th of the month to the 13th. Next Deposit Date: September 13th’ message without a payout even though I have Gemini listed as my wallet, and most of the rewards have been in the account for around a year.

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