Copy/Paste crashes Brave

Description of the issue:
Brave SOMETIMES chrashes when I use the clipboard (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C)

How can this issue be reproduced?
Scenario Paste

  1. Go to any other application
  2. Mark a URL and press Ctrl-C
  3. Go to Brave and click in the address-line
  4. Press Ctrl-V

Scenario Cut

  1. Go to Brave, and click the address-line
  2. Mark the URL
  3. Press Ctrl-C

Expected result:
The URL is copied to or pasted from the clipboard

What happens
In both scenarios I experience, that Brave hangs, and after a few seconds, it closes completely down and I have to restart Brave, if I need it.

I have not seen the bug when using the mouse (right-click → copy/paste)

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.67.123 Chromium: 126.0.6478.126 (Officiel version) (64-bit)
Running on Windows 10 - fully updated

I still see the problem in:
Version 1.68.137 Chromium: 127.0.6533.100 (Officiel version) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
I don’t experience this problem in Firefox or other browsers, like the clipboard works perfectly in other scenarios.
I have not tried this in other OS’es

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