Copy link and paste doesnt work

Please help me guys… since a few days i cant copy paste a link into twitter or facebook but also anywhere else. However i can copy a link and paste it into telegram for example… so i cant paste i think. Whats the problem? And how to resolve it please? I read through all functions since days but cant find anything… makes me go insane…

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I am just guessing. Try unticking social media in the settings:


Hello sir, thanks for your efforts, but i dont even have the option for social blocking :thinking: it also has nothing to do with social as i am even unable to paste into google search. It is so strange… i looked through everything again, cant find no option for it… your link also doesnt work for me, very strange! I can copy and paste it into the url place however

Oh well… i have changed back the dark mode back to normal, cuz i couldnt read some buttons right now, and magically the problem disappeared… the dark mode seemed to prevent me from pasting… very strange. Maybe should be forwarded to some technican

I even have the suspicion that it implies the problem that some buttons are blacked out in dark mode has something to do with it. Would be great if that problem gets dissolved by this aswell. The dark mode would much improve by this

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