"Confirm your Secret Backup Phrase" Page Scroll Issues

On the “Confirm your Secret Backup Phrase” page for Crypto Wallets I am unable to scroll down the page to manually select the individual words. I have attached a screenshot to show the example of the cut off boxes on my screen.

I am using a MacBook Pro with a touchpad and no matter what I try to scroll the page does not move.

I should be able to scroll down the screen to complete the order of the words to complete the full secret phrase

Running on macOS Catalina 10.15.2 and Brave is up to date

[Version 1.2.41 Chromium: 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Thanks for reporting, @dannypolicarpo.

We’ve an issue logged for this. I added your+1 to the issue which can be tracked here


The workaround for now is by zooming out the page.


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