Clearing Cookies when closing tabs AND forcing quitting the app

The settings below are supposed to prevent this, however in Nightly, they are being cleared when closing tabs and force quitting, however if i only force quit without closing the tab, then the cookies are saved/uncleared

brave://settings/clearBrowserData Cookies and other data, site configuration and security (shield) are unticked

brave://settings/content/siteData, i had set up exceptions to always save cookies

Steps to reproduce

  1. untick Cookies and other data, site configuration and security (shield), such as the first image
  2. set exceptions in allow apps to save data, or
  3. Log to one website that you had an exception on
  4. Close the tab and force quit

The cookies are cleared and you are required to log-in again

notice: if you force quit brave, but not close the tab, then the cookie won’t be deleted

Debug: Versão 1.76.37 Chromium: 132.0.6834.111 (Versão oficial) nightly (arm64)
Mac Version: 15.2

+1 on [Desktop] Allow users to add site exceptions for data that is cleared “on exit” #10493

Missed this setting in brave://settings/shields, hopefully others can learn from my mistake

Please add the feature request above that has been asked since 2020 by more than 50 reaction users, because there are 3 settings that MUST be fulfilled to avoid clearing specified website cookies while chrome has 1 setting