I often want to make my Brave more minimum so I search for flags to remove certain features or parts. Luckily searching the web often tells me to set some Chromium Flag but unfortunately Brave does not have them. Why is that? And could Brave just re-add them if Chromium decides to remove some?
For example the new tab-search in the upper right corner in the tab-bar. I never used it and I don’t like it. Its not centered nor does it fit IMO. Searching the web again says I can remove it but… yes. Here is the link: https://www.howtogeek.com/722640/how-to-enable-or-disable-the-tab-search-icon-in-chrome/
This is just one but there are many more, like the QR code generator or the new extension icon.
It’s my first topic here, I hope it is in the right place. I couldn’t find any other “QA”-category and maybe its a bug or just me noticed it.
Oh I forgot to ask if it would be possible to show the “default” Value next to the “default”-Button option. It says “default” but not what that means. I have so many that I just set but would like to know if its necessary or not, maybe with a link to some Chromium issue/ticket.
Open brave://settings/appearance
via the address bar → Show tab search button
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Oh! Hah I thought I would already have had walked through all settings to make sure it’s what I want the browser to look like, must have missed it, thanks.
But anyway this wasn’t the first time being in that situation where a flag is missing. Maybe there is a resource where I can see which will get natively implemented/ replaced by a setting?
Brave developers disable some features that are available in Google Chrome
due to security and privacy reasons, you can take a look at that over here:
Next generation Brave browser for Android, Linux, macOS, Windows. - Deviations from Chromium (features we disable or remove) · brave/brave-browser Wiki
It’s likely the flags you’re looking for have been intentionally removed.
P.S Since I saw you mention the QR code generator
, I have opened a Github report about introducing a possibility to disable the feature, but good guy rebron slapped the priority/P5
label on it, so no work is expected in the near future.
opened 07:48AM - 23 Jul 21 UTC
## Description
The feature is most likely useful for a lot of users but at t… he same time there is another big group of users that doesn't use, or simply doesn't need the feature in their daily browsing. An option to disable the feature will allow users to keep their browser's UI cleaner and will provide a way to disable a feature they don't need at the time.
## Steps to Reproduce
1. Navigate to any website (e.g. brave.com).
2. Click inside the address bar.
3. An action icon shows up in the address bar. When clicked a bubble with QR code shows up.
## Actual result:
There is no way to disable the feature as of the moment.
## Expected result:
Hopefully an option that allows users to enable/disable the feature whenever they like.
## Reproduces how often:
## Brave version (brave://version info)
Brave | 1.26.77 Chromium: 91.0.4472.164 (Official Build) (64-bit)
-- | --
Revision | 541163496c9982c98f61819bab7cf2183ea8180f-refs/branch-heads/4472@{#1569}
OS | Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
JavaScript | V8
User Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Safari/537.36
Command Line | "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --enable-dom-distiller --disable-domain-reliability --no-pings --origin-trial-public-key=bYUKPJoPnCxeNvu72j4EmPuK7tr1PAC7SHh8ld9Mw3E=,fMS4mpO6buLQ/QMd+zJmxzty/VQ6B1EUZqoCU04zoRU= --sync-url=https://sync-v2.brave.com/v2 --lso-url=https://no-thanks.invalid --variations-server-url=https://variations.brave.com/seed --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode,ReducedReferrerGranularity,PasswordImport,PrefetchPrivacyChanges,WinrtGeolocationImplementation,SafetyTip,AutoupgradeMixedContent,LegacyTLSEnforced --disable-features=AutofillServerCommunication,HandwritingRecognitionWebPlatformApi,FledgeInterestGroups,InterestCohortFeaturePolicy,TextFragmentAnchor,EnableProfilePickerOnStartup,FlocIdComputedEventLogging,HandwritingRecognitionWebPlatformApiFinch,AutofillEnableAccountWalletStorage,FledgeInterestGroupAPI,TrustTokens,DirectSockets,IdleDetection,NotificationTriggers,WebOTP,NetworkTimeServiceQuerying,SubresourceWebBundles,SignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigations,SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch,InterestCohortAPIOriginTrial,FirstPartySets,FederatedLearningOfCohorts,LiveCaption,LangClientHintHeader --flag-switches-begin --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode,ReducedReferrerGranularity,PasswordImport,PrefetchPrivacyChanges,WinrtGeolocationImplementation,SafetyTip,AutoupgradeMixedContent,LegacyTLSEnforced,EphemeralStorage --flag-switches-end
Executable Path | C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe
Profile Path | C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default
Variations | AdRewardsStudy:NextPaymentDayEphemeralStorageStudy:EnabledNativeCosmeticFilteringStudy:EnabledPermissionLifetimeReleaseStudy:Enabled
## Version/Channel Information:
- Can you reproduce this issue with the current release?
- Can you reproduce this issue with the beta channel?
- Can you reproduce this issue with the nightly channel?
## Other Additional Information:
- Does the issue resolve itself when disabling Brave Shields?
- Does the issue resolve itself when disabling Brave Rewards?
- Is the issue reproducible on the latest version of Chrome?
## Miscellaneous Information:
- The QR code generator feature was re-introduced in Brave 1.26 over here: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/15900
- Ahrotahn of the Ungoogled Chromium project provided a way to disable the feature over here: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/issues/1574
- Please, consider adding this into the to-do list over here: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/16621
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