Chromebook Requires Biometrics Password Sync

Description of the issue:
Cannot sync passwords due to requirements for biometric/passcode security enabled - it IS enabled, and I use a PIN or Passcode to log in (Lenovo Duet 3 - 11”) - this device does not have any biometric inputs. It can also unlock via sync with my phone via bluetooth.
This is a major problem as I can’t really use Brave on this Chromebook without PW

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Reproduces how often: Always

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
1.64.122 Chromium 123.0.6312.1222
OS Android Build/R124-15823.30.0 (did same when I was in stable)
Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:
Android, win10
Additional Information:

@Emagin just to be clear, it doesn’t require biometrics. What it’s saying is it needs either biometrics or a passcode. The long and short of it is Brave uses our OS keychains (the passwords) for encryption purposes. If we don’t have a password on our device, then Brave won’t let us sync passwords. It’s a security thing.

Would I be correct if I were to say you currently don’t have a password/lock screen for your device? You just turn it on and use it?

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@Saoiray I do – use a Password on the lock screen.
This can be bypassed when my phone is synched to chromebook by bluetooth.

The Security settings are:
Lock Screen and sign-in: Password only
Enable Verified Access: ON

@Mattches any idea on this?

If your phone is not synced via bluetooth connection, are you still unable to sync password data?