'Cast' device list doesn't allow device selection

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I’ve tried searching, but I’m not sure I am using the correct terms. Couldn’t find anything.

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I can’t find a ‘casting’ category.

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Yep. Check. I think I’m doing that. it’s just a single generic text box.

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Can’t find ‘cast’ tag. Unsure what this particular community would otherwise identify it as.

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I have cast YouTube to my SkyQ box before, but this time (after taking a while to see the Sky Q box appear in the list) I can’t actually select the entry. It appears in the list, but I can’t select it.

Is anyone else getting this new issue?

Thank you.

Also, can I also request that the developers add useful error messages/detailed information for things so we can get on with fixing things ASAP when they go wrong?

As usual, can you please provide more information about your setup, namely your OS version and Brave browser version? It would also be helpful to know when this last worked for you — was it after the most recent update to version 1.73.89?

Well in this particular case, there does not appear to be any error so no error messages are shown. What you are seeing next to the casting icon is simply saying that casting to that device is only possible on certain sites. This could be a result of something changed in the browser (not sure what that would be at this time though) or possibly something that changed on the SkyQ box’s end.

One way to narrow this down would be to visit other sites that stream video and attempt to cast those to they SkyQ box and see if you get the same result. For example, for me, one of my smart tvs shows this same message when I try to cast an HBO Max tab to it: