Unresponsive Capcha

While using Brave Browser I do a search. When I tap on one of the and am finished reading that particular result and tap on the “back to list of search results page with the small left pointing arrow at the top -left hand corner of the screen it brings me to a blank white page with a the words, “Prove you are human”. And it will not proceed to a new captcha page. Then I have to tap on the address bar and reload the search content results page which takes me directly back to the “Prove you are human” page again. This has been happening for a few days now. The only work around seems to be opening a new tab and starting the search all over. This is on an iPad 7th generation. I am visiting at the home of friends of friends of friends so to speak. Am not questioning them of it. They’re very hill billyish types. Perhaps just blocking me.page

Are you using brave search or another search engine?

Lower your anti-fingerprinting to standard

This happened using the Brave Browser with Duck Duck Go ad my preferred search engine… Are you a bot?

What idiotic comment…
How am I a bot

It is 2021 and my carrier has hired a new VP who has all but completely gotten rid of live support agents and replaced them with a support chat that is an AI in diapers compared to giants the likes of Apple who have peta bytes of Face, Finger, & Voice prints and a 40 year history of patches for Everything.

Hence, trust is a very limited commodity online in 2021. My choice for search engine in Brave Browser was Duck Duck Go at the time of my enquiry.

I can seek help elsewhere if you consider me a thorn.

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