Can't connect uphold account to start earning BAT on new PC

Briefly describe your issue:
I reinstalled Windows, and now I can’t start earning BAT because of troubles with connecting Brave and Uphold even in Uphold shows me that it is connected with brave.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Win 11 pro Release Notes v1.48.158 (Feb 7, 2023)

Is your Brave Rewards Profile currently verified? (yes/no)

I don’t know

What date did you connect a your Brave Rewards Profile?

i tried 08.02.2023

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?


Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)


Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?


Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices?

What error do you get?

Error: Uphold account limited functionality
According to Uphold, there are currently some restrictions on your Uphold account. Log in to your account and check for any notifications or other account requirements that need to be met, then try again. For example, you may need to submit further information to Uphold.

I have passed verification, don’t have limited functionality.

Please follow steps above

I did this in order to log in since, I did not log in for some time, I passed verification. I tried to transact BAT to FIAT and it’s creating my unique account number to do so I need to wait. Wonder if it will work and I will be able to connect my browser with Uphold.

Well, it worked for many others so I hope yours is the same case!

Well, it’s not working for me for now, maybe need wait some time. 24hours? More? Or this should work right away?

@mikdb Often the Limited Account Functionality is due to missing Liveness. The way people have triggered it is as you have seen. That said, it could be a number of other things as well. One of the ways people tend to get better notifications on what needs done is by installing the Uphold app on a mobile device. That said, it might just be better if you contact Uphold directly to see if they can help you find out what’s missing. You can do this via email at [email protected] or via a support ticket at

@Saoiray Yeah, I assumed they want me add some money to the account, the other way i tried I only lost my earned BAT. I don’t have money to invest right now, I used Uphold like a wallet. Thanks for the e-mail, maybe I’ll try that way.

Have the same issue and according to Uphold the only way to trigger the ‘liveliness’ test is to add funds to your account and to initiate a withdrawal.

Funny how Uphold can initiate all kinds of verifications required to open and verify the account but they cannot initiate the ‘liveliness’ test without you adding funds to your account.

This whole Brave/Uphold partnership is turning into one big scam. Brave clients not getting paid and those that do get paid get fleeced by Brave’s partner Uphold.

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