Cannot save cookies for specific websites, like if delete cookies on exit is on

Why are there so many questions about saving the settings for brave search, but there are no acceptable solutions to it. I think it makes no sense to have a privacy-oriented browser installed, but you need to save cookies to have settings saved for specific websites or in this case for brave search.

Why is there no URL-Based saving for settings, or at least to make the setting working where you can set to have exceptions for brave search that it can always save the cookies with the settings in it; because this is also not working when you have enabled to delete all cookies at exit.

Some references and questions from the community:

Asking for URL-Based settings, still not answered…

Solution should not be to have cookie delete on exit unchecked – in my opinion

Same problem as mine and others, no solution to it

Please don’t get me wrong I’m not angry or anything similar I’m just sad that such feature is not implemented from the beginning or also later updated. Brave browser is a great piece of FOSS!

Brave search is also now few years old and such modern feature is not there. That’s sad, but yes the world keeps turning, I know it’s not the end but near or not? :thinking:



If you delete “on exit” obviously it will remove everything… don’t it if you don’t want that, use the other methods to delete cookies if you want to delete individual ones or be more selective.

What OS are you even talking about anyway? Desktop? or Android? or iOS? they all work differently.

On Desktop and Android you can use the new feature Forget me when I close this site which can be done on and off, globally or per site.

And then on Desktop you can go to brave://settings/cookies and use the toggle Clear cookies and site data when you close all windows, which will be more like ‘on exit’, but when you add domains to Sites that can always use cookies, those domains will not get cleared, which is exactly what you want.

You can also use Sites that clear cookies when you close them to clear cookies on individual sites, the difference between this and forget me is this option uses Ephemeral Storage and not the persistent one, and it gets cleared immediately, forget me takes many seconds to clear; so it acts differently, but the end result is the same.

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I’ve added your report to the following related issue:

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Okay, then this is a miscommunication. Because for sure it makes sense that cookies get deleted when I checked that box, but when I say this website could use cookies always I thought those cookies does not get delete.

When I uncheck the box then I fill my pc with cookies and potential data which I don’t want to.

Your 2nd last section or tip sounds like what I want at the end. Spoiler: It worked!
But I think it is not a pretty solution to it to save permanently cookies from one website in general. I tested with another website if cookies get still deleted, which is true.

Is there no feature at the horizon to implement url-based settings like startpage and other search engines?

Sorry for the missed information on which system I am; it was/is on desktop.

Thank you very much for the fast and accurate response.