Cannot download files from Outlook Office 365


I am using since a few weeks Brave on my Windows 7 laptop and I am very happy with it.

Since a few days, I cannot download any files from my Office Outlook 365 mailbox.
When I click the download button, I just see “waiting for”.
This is a specific issue with Brave as I can download normaly such files when I use another Chromium based browser.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Issue solved with Version 0.56.14 Chromium: 70.0.3538.102 (Build officiel) (64 bits) just downloaded, thanks!


@rkparis, sorry for not getting to your post! Must have gotten lost in the mix.
I’m glad the issue was resolved though!
If your post goes that long again without being addressed, please (politely) DM and nudge me about it :slight_smile: