Have sync chain setup on iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.
Nothing indicates sync is working on iPhone or iPad. No bookmarks, history, or open tabs additions or changes. I believe it is working on MacBook, as I see open tabs from all devices at least.
I dumped this Status log after triggering manual sync in sync settings page.
I’m not a coder. Anyone out there who could scan or search this output for anything that shows why sync isn’t working on iOS here (or maybe it is working but I don’t know what to expect)
At bottom is detailed list of what items I have enabled for sync. There were checked off checkboxes next to each one, but lost detail when pasting into message.
Let me k in if there is more or other output I can share to debug.
“actionable_error”: [
“stat_name”: “Error Type”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Action”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Error Description”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“actionable_error_detected”: false,
“details”: [
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Transport State”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “Disabled”
“stat_name”: “User Actionable Error”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “None”
“stat_name”: “Disable Reasons”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “Not signed in”
“stat_name”: “Sync Feature Enabled”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Setup In Progress”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Auth Error”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “OK since browser startup”
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Summary”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Client Version”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “Brave Browser iOS (aa0b33c1d0885a67ff547dd531492ae096d78956)”
“stat_name”: “Server URL”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “https://sync-v2.brave.com/v2”
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Version Info”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Sync Client ID”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Username”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “”
“stat_name”: “Sync Consent”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“is_sensitive”: true,
“title”: “Identity”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Requested Token”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “n/a”
“stat_name”: “Received Token Response”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “n/a”
“stat_name”: “Last Token Request Result”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “OK”
“stat_name”: “Has Token”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Next Token Request”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “not scheduled”
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Credentials”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Server Connection”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “not attempted”
“stat_name”: “Last Synced”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: “Never”
“stat_name”: “Sync First-Time Setup Complete”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: true
“stat_name”: “Sync Cycle Ongoing”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Local Sync Backend Enabled”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Local Backend Path”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Local State”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Throttled or Backoff”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Retry Time”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Notifications Enabled”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Network”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Explicit Passphrase”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Passphrase Required”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Cryptographer Ready To Encrypt”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Cryptographer Has Pending Keys”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Encrypted Types”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Has Keystore Key”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Keystore Migration Time”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Passphrase Type”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Explicit passphrase Time”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Trusted Vault Migration Time”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Trusted Vault Version/Epoch”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Encryption”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Sync Source”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “GetKey Step Failed”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “Download Step Result”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“stat_name”: “Commit Step Result”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: “Uninitialized”
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Status from Last Completed Session”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Notifications Received”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“stat_name”: “Updates Downloaded”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“stat_name”: “Tombstone Updates”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“stat_name”: “Successful Commits”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Running Totals”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Server Conflicts”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“stat_name”: “Committed Items”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Transient Counters (this cycle)”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Updates Downloaded”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“stat_name”: “Committed Count”,
“stat_status”: “uninitialized”,
“stat_value”: 0
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Transient Counters (last cycle of last completed session)”
“data”: [
“stat_name”: “Passphrase is set”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: false
“stat_name”: “OS encryption available”,
“stat_status”: “”,
“stat_value”: true
“is_sensitive”: false,
“title”: “Brave Sync”
“type_status”: ,
“unrecoverable_error_detected”: false
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