Can I get an older version of Brave?

Hi, @JTKing. Brave Nightly now notifies and gives the option to skip, at least. Not sure exactly when that will make it to Release, but probably not too long. Click images to enlarge.

I’ve used Nightly for years with no major calamity if you want to get that feature now. This link will take you to the Brave Github Releases page, which lists all the Release, Dev, and Nightly versions available for download.

If you do switch, you can easily move all of your bookmarks after you launch Nightly and quit it again. Just copy your profile folder (Default for “Profile 1” unless you’ve created additional personae, in which case it will be Profile #, # being 2 or higher) from
~/Library/Application Support/BraveBrowser/Brave-Browser/
~/Library/Application Support/BraveBrowser/Brave-Browser-Nightly/.

Thanks!! Will check into that if it remains an issue.

SUFeedURL change does not work on mine. It quits on Brave startup, never opens a window, just pops up this error box.


I’ve already updated my OS a couple times past what Apple will officially allow but this is as far as I can go for now. One of the reasons I was using Brave is that both Firefox and Chrome are no longer compatible. At least with Firefox I can decline the updates. I guess I’ll go back to that.
Another disappointment with software creators.


What did you change the value to? What does your plist file look like? What did you edit the plist file with? Either way, something like this change would be a data change and not affect usability… The locking brave in Finder like @hnktong suggested also would work… :wine_glass:

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I have tried a few things:

the duck duck go start page


and a few others. Some real websites, some not. None work.

Brave only starts with the updates.bravesoftware update URL:

I do have Brave locked and set to read only. Does not seem to keep it safe as it updated again about an hour ago - which I trashed and reinstalled my last working copy which still works but is a bad work around.

You can force-disable updates to the browser by launching it from the terminal with the appropriate flag, as described in the comment I linked to above:

And here is an easy way that modifies the Preferences.

If you don’t already have a Preference Editor, download (free) Pref Setter from (current version is 2.0 - I used 1.2.2)

Launch Pref Setter and find com.brave.Browser is the list of Preferences (Pref Setter knows where the Preferences hide)

Set the booleans for SUAutomaticallyUpdate and SUEnableAutomaticChecks to false by clicking on true if the setting is true.

Save your changes (Pref Setter knows where they hide) and you’re done.

I use Safari, Firefox, Brave and TOR browsers. Whichever one to use is a snap because I have installed the Choosy addon which allows me to choose whichever Browser I want at any point in time. Highly recommended, I use it 100 times a day, and it wasn’t expensive. I’ve had it for years. see:

I’m using the Choosy.prefPane 1.1 which works in MacOS 10.9 and later which I purchased years ago.

Do not use Choosy 1.2 because it requires MacOS X 10.12 ie NOT Yosemite.

AFAIK Tor Browser = Firefox (extremely modified, but still)

Yeah but i wont compare Tor Browser to Firefox.

Thank you for this smart way, but brave doesn’t restart. It quit after I changed the file. Maybe I don’t edit with the right editor: what o you suggest to edit this file ?


try @Mattches suggestion… maybe yosemite doesn’t like changing the plist… you aren’t the first person on yosemite that said changing the plist didn’t work…

Here you go. Nice comparison. Is this what you were looking for?

Hello, i meant that i will not compare Tor Browser to Firefox as them are differents browsers (even if Tor Browser is based on firefox). Anyways, thanks for the article

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