Cache not clearing on exit

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why doesnt the cache clear on exit, rather than having to manually clear it in IOS ?

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I have mac os 12.7.1 on macbook pro and brave doesn’t clear my history or cache etc on exit like it should. I have to use ccleaner to completely clear it. I have the latest version of brave:

Brave is up to date
Version 1.60.125 Chromium: 119.0.6045.199 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Typically the issue here is that users are closing the browser but not quitting the process. On Windows, users don’t have this issue because clicking the x to close the browser window also quits the process.

On macOS however, if you click the x, it simply closes the window and the process continues to run. The “on exit” functionality (Settings --> History --> Clear browsing data —> [On exit]) only triggers once the process is fully ended (for example, right-clicking on the icon in the dock, then clicking Quit).

Can you please confirm whether or not you have data set to be cleared on exit via the setting mentioned above and further, if it works when quitting the process?

Thank you

On mac command/Q=quit which is what I do. Ccleaner still finds items that were not deleted when I quit that should have been deleted. Not sure if my screen shot of my cleaner will show up.

Do you only have one profile in the browser?

I’m the only one that uses the browser/laptop