Bug in Brave (Stable) version 1.75.180 (Play Store App)

Description of the issue:

Reporting a Bug, Morning my browser works fine but after few hours when I opened youtube, it just showing a blank screen, everything is same (network speed, settings) but for last few hours it’s not working

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave Browser from Huawei Honor 9 Lite
  2. Visit a random website (youtube.com)
  3. You will notice a blank page

Expected result:

A blank page and possibly brave closed by device after few minutes

Brave Version( check About Brave):

While posting, It is the latest update 1.75.180 in Play store and I noticed version 1.75.181 in GitHub but not yet in Play Store

Mobile Device details

Device: Honor 9 Lite (LLD-AL10)

Android version: 9

EMUI version: 9.1.0

Build Number:

Additional Information:

I haven’t disabled JavaScript, Haven’t Changed Network, everything was same but I encountered this bug.

The Problem is solved, I haven’t updated the browser but today when I tried, it just opened, I haven’t did anything but now everything is fine

Now I wanna remove this post