Description of the issue:
When clicking on link on same origin brave randomly emit a brief white flash in the window before page is rendered.
How can this issue be reproduced?
For example:
clicking on the left sidebar links will reproduce this bug. On my PC i see a brief white flash before page is loaded. It seems to be random. Sometimes page render without the white flash…and other times the entire window goes white for a fraction of second.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Looks like I can reproduce this issue on my end. However, I do see that the main cause of the issue appears to be the dark mode detection. The white flash comes through and is only visible if the site is in dark mode. Its as if clicking on the link tries to launch the page in normal (light) mode then realizes that it should actually be dark before actually displaying the page, which is why you see the “bright flash”.
It’s highly likely that the Chromium issue you linked to is the offender, and will mean that it will likely have to wait for an upstream fix from the Chromium team to resolve. I’ve forwarded this information to the team regardless.
thank you for the answer. If a website has a white background for sure you wont see the white flash on browser rendering…white + white is always white! On light theme websites you will only see elements like text or images that disappear on rendering but obviously not the entire page because that was already white.
you will see random white flashes every time a website has some elements different from the white color. The best test cases are obviously dark-theme websites.
a made this short video to better explain me:
to reproduce go to:
and click randomly on left sidebar links. You will see that when the browser is loading the new page the left dark sidebar randomly flash white.
Again I do see the issue and see why it would be frustrating. As I said previously, we’ll likely have to wait for an upstream fix for this particular problem.