Bravemail: a brave email service

Hello, I am really loving Brave! 1st time community poster; please be candid if I can improve my feature-request request!

I would love a Brave email service. I’d pay for it!
Furthermore, I feel like Brave is a great company to build an email service because it could mirror a lot of the great features of the browser.

So, please consider providing a Bravemail!

Thanks for the great product.

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Have you tried Protonmail?


I have not! I did see it when I was vetting options. I tried Hey and loved the filtering but didn’t like that I could not easily move things to sub folders. I love everything that Protonmail has but don’t know anyone who is using it. Do you recommend it? Does have a UI that allows creating sub folders easily? ~Thanks!

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I love it and I’ve been using it for multiple years, and yes I can 100% vouch for it

Protonmail works great for making subfolders, here’s a picture of the process on the web

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Purchased and transferred over. Great tip :pray:

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Proton was immediately what I thought of.