After installing the beta of Disco Dingo-Ubuntu 19.04 via Snap…then putting the favorite in the Dock, the browser will not open from the icon in the dock. It appears to open normally when using the icon from the “Show Applications”. Or…i can open in terminal with “brave”…opens normally. Can’t find a dump log or error…when tried to submit to Launchpad …they said had to submit here at this forum.
Wish I had more experience with Brave…but this is my first time using it. I really like it so far.
This is because the Snap packages for Brave are outdated and no longer officially supported.
Instead, try downloading the browser from source by following the instructions here (observe the note about “snap” at the top):
Thanks for the reply @eljuno …
Thanks @Mattches … gonna try it on my main box…18.04 LTS. Will let you know what happens. You know one thing I wonder about…when i was trying to submit a bug for disco dingo…they didn’t mention that the Snap was not officially supported. Makes me think they were unaware of this. I new to Flatpacks and Snaps…what do you think about them?
We’re in the process of establishing better communication between Brave and “unofficially supported” software packages that house it.
That said, I do appreciate you bringing that to our attention.
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