I withdrew about $10 in BAT through Uphold, and Taxbit (a built-in optional app for Uphold) notified me that I had created a “taxable transaction” by doing this.
So, I’m wondering
- is this really a taxable transaction?
- If it is a taxable transaction, then apparently I’m supposed to calculate the pooled “cost basis” of the BAT at the “time of purchase.” Since I didn’t purchase the BAT from Brave Rewards, would my “cost basis” be $0.00? Or would it be the value of the BAT in USD at the time they were awarded to me?
I know $10 is not a big deal, but at the same time, the IRS seems to care about every penny they appropriate, so I’d like to know I’m not creating even a tiny liability through non-compliance.
I would appreciate any insight into this!