Brave Rewards profile is flagged without any reason

I have my Brave Rewards profile verified with Zebpay. Today when I opened Brave, it asked me to Login back to Zebpay to see my balance. When I tried doing the same, it showed an error that my profile was flagged. The help centre says it could be Brave’s automatic flagging system, which I think it is in my case.

I was wondering if there’s something that needs to be done from my end other than waiting to get it unflagged.

Operating system: Windows 11
Brave Verison: 1.58.127

My ticket ID is: 222758

Raise a ticket at

Make sure to share the ticket id here (you’ll get one to your email when you submit the ticket).

My profile also got flagged for no reason. My Ticket ID - 222866. Please Help

exact same thing happened with me , I guess its a bug from their part. I raised the ticket as well , my ticket id is 222934

Were you receiving BAT before in Uphold or Gemini? @shanky99 @mxveesh

Yes. Before uphold stopped its service in India

yes i was receiving it in my gemini wallet until the region was supported

India was an unsupported region when I started using brave so no.

Hi all - if you haven’t already, please open a ticket using the above link.