Because they aren’t forcefully disconnecting Users. In fact, they explained that this change is only affecting new Users/devices. Check out PSA: More info on Unsupported Region
Guessing isn’t newly connected is why. So one retained and the other had the automatic logout that happens within the browser every 90-120 days or so. If you check out the link I provided, you’ll learn a little more. To quote the key aspect though, I’ll share the answer below:
- If you’re already connected to Gemini (even if you do not have a US Gemini account), these changes will not affect you. As of this second, if you are logged out of your Gemini account, it may say that you can’t log back in because your region is not supported. But this error will be resolved in the coming week, and then you will be able to log back in. More importantly, even if it says “Logged out”, you’re still considered connected to Gemini (or Uphold) to us, and should still be receiving ad payouts to your Gemini account!
I’ll be hoping for better updates on this perhaps tonight. But we’ll see what the Community Call focus is on and what they can share. Sounds of it is they’ll have it where existing Users, regardless of the country, will be able to still log in and have it connect. It just won’t be able to authenticate anyone who manually disconnected or new users/devices.
Just a FYI, that can cause problems as well. Your information is supposed to match. If you have your Profile showing an address in Canada but your passport is from France, it’s a mismatch of information and can prevent the connection. This is especially the case IF the passport is associated with a country that isn’t supported. There are changes coming though, which are discussed in the link I shared, where they’ll be more particular and Users have to choose which country they are in. I’m not sure of how that works though, if it will make it easier for people or harder.