Brave rewards just disappaer

I have the exact same issue. I start using brave on January to see what it worth since it is advertised as the best browser, and i can tell it’s a lie. My rewards from January simply vanished after having the message for many days that my rewards will be credited shortly. I have not verified with Gemini or Uphold since it is optional. I upgraded then to the newest version of Brave and now i simply don’t receive ads anymore. I wanted to downgrade and follow this link Downgrade to a previous version - #2 by Aa-ron but it is a beta version that is installed instead of an actual official downgrade. Why make thing so complicated and simply provide a downgrade version in the Brave menu setting instead of sending end user who do know anything technical about coding to Github? Brave at the end feel like a browser for coders with so many bugs, and bugfixes instead of an intuitive and friendly browser like firefox or chrome. It need so much tweaking: for instance most of the websites don’t work properly unless you disable the shield or take so much time to load if you don’t enable the coockies. In all honestly it is for the moment the worst brower for end users, for coders or technical poeple maybe it’s a good one. But i want to get my rewards, so Poeple at Brave fix this issue please and provide a better way to simply downgrade