Brave rewards amount plummeted

In recent months my rewards amount has seriously gone down. 100 ads for 1.86 BAT? What’s going on here? I’m clicking and viewing most the ads which are mostly quite relevant. Was much higher in past months. I use a VPN.

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One of our team members gave a nice breakdown on how BAT/Ads pricing works and the relevancy of market fluctuation here:


Thanks! I read this. But am going from making $20 worth of BAT a month to making a dollar or two across all browsers combined. Price of BAT didn’t change much. I noticed on my phone with vpn on it didn’t always count it. But now it’s counting it but getting much less for it. BAT prices don’t explain this

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This is not necessarily unexpected – changes are frequently made to the ads system and the price of BAT (as mentioned above) fluctuates. Ads served, what campaigns are running, bat fluctuations and other factors have changed for many users, not just you.

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Perhaps the spike up to over 40 cents had an effect. Just read users aren’t paid for clicks which definitely is an incentive to leave it on. Thanks for the reply.

I have noticed this as well. I have received over 20 BAT per month for a good amount of time, and the last 2-3 months, it is reduced to 3-4. I can no longer even provide the tips to the sites I appreciate.

I hope something is done to communicate what is happening to users. This system, while started with good intention, is no longer working.